Tennis Coaching for Elderly

Tennis Coaching for Elderly

Tennis Coaching for Elderly
Per Hour

The Benefits of Tennis for Older Players

The benefits of tennis for the elderly are plentiful. Tennis improves the player's upper body strength and reduces the percentage of body fat. Low body fat can reduce your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart attacks. Vigorous physical exercise also promotes healthy lungs and heart. As you exercise regularly, the volume of the heart increases, meaning more blood can be pushed around the body. These positive impacts all work hand-in- hand to make the body more healthy overall. Another of the benefits of tennis (or any exercise that improves agility) is that it can aid with the prevention of slips and falls.

Safety Tips

While it is good to try and push yourself and build strength and skill, this should not come at the expense of your health. Older players in particular should be aware of their limits and take extra care. Allow yourself plenty of time to warm up and cool down thoroughly. This will prevent injuries, increase athletic ability and aid with recovery from exercise. It might be a good idea for older players to use a fitness tracker to monitor their heart rate as they play. If you are playing with an older person, make sure to take adequate breaks and allow them to rest if they feel out of breath, dizzy, or fatigued.

You should also make sure that everybody stays hydrated and no one is overheating, especially if you are playing outside in the sunshine. This is particularly important for elderly players for whom dehydration poses a greater risk.

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